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Do outside writers ruin a bands/artists style and sound?
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Are the high ticket prices a deterrent for you to go to concerts? Getting cheaper seats? Being more selective?
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Does the music video enhance the song or ruin it? I am speaking to a new studio single by an artist.
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Are the high ticket prices a deterrent for you to go to concerts? Getting cheaper seats? Being more selective?
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When you see a band/artist live, do you prefer one with a stage show or one that just plays the music?
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Many bands are now touring without opening acts, especially legacy bands. Do you think they should to keep the rock genre going?
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Should bands go on without any original members?
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What is a local/regional band you would like others outside of your area to check out that they may have never heard of?
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Do you think backing tracks and other tools to enhance the live performance are a good or bad thing for live music?
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Do you think Streaming has hurt the artists?
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Seth Kahaian
May 20, 2023
I agree with that. I am hoping that the labels eventually figure something out for the artist.
Should Rock Bands/Artists Political Affiliation Matter If You Like Them Or Not?
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What Journey Fans Might Like To See
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Seth Kahaian
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