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Rockucation Question This Week Of September 26th, 2021!

Writer's picture: Seth KahaianSeth Kahaian

Last Week’s Rockucation Question:

What band, not artist, invented stadium touring?


The Beatles


Bryan Kuntz, Hopkins, MN, Debbie Epstein, Sarasota, FL, Nina McCarthy, Westerly, RI, and Phyllis Bourque, Pawtucket, RI.

This week’s Rockucation question is:

This band performed at Woodstock, but wasn’t in the film. One of its original founders went on to discover Lynyrd Skynyrd. Currently there are no original members of the band. An American Idol runner up is singing for the band now. This band has had over a 100 members going through it in i’s time. Who is the band?

Do you think you know the answer to this music question? Take a guess by clicking the link above! If you answer it correctly, your name will be featured in next week’s Rockucation section. Please when responding give us your first and last name, and where you are from as an example John Doe, Atlanta, Georgia.

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