Last Week’s Rockucation Question:
This musician is the only musician to play both Live Aid shows (Wembley Arena and JFK Stadium). One with a band and one as a solo artist. Who is he and what band did he play with?
Phil Collins, Led Zeppelin
Jack Stubblefield, Corpus Christi, TX, Debbie Epstein, Sarasota, FL, Nina McCarthy, Westerly, RI, and Phyllis Bourque, Pawtucket, RI.
This week’s Rockucation question is:
He was the original guitar player for Bon Jovi and played a short tour. He also played on the Runaway demo.He was best friends with Jon Bon Jovi. the two had an agreement that whoever makes it first will help the other. This guitarist eventually had a band that Bon Jovi helped him get a record deal. Both were from New Jersey. The band that he formed paid Gary Moore money since he originally owned the name as it was his first band in Ireland. WHo is the guitarist and name the band that he formed.
Do you think you know the answer to this music question? Take a guess by clicking the link above! If you answer it correctly, your name will be featured in next week’s Rockucation section.