Last Week’s Rockucation Question:
Who is James Newell Osterberg Jr.?
Iggy Pop
Anne Castellano, New London, CT, Darryl Sampson, Kingston, MA, Phyllis Bourque, Pawtucket, RI and Nina McCarthy, Westerly, RI.
This week’s Rockucation question is:
In the early sixties, the most famous version of this hit was investigated by the F.B.I. for two years because parents thought their kids were being exposed to something sleazy and raunchy with the lyrics. The reason for it as the singer kind of mumbles the words and they are hard to decipher. The real irony is that the F.B.I. never asked the singer what he said. But they did determine they couldn’t find anything vulgar in the song. But if you listen closely the drummer drops the “F” bomb almost a minute into the song. Admittedly it’s faint but it’s there. Apparently the F.B.I. didn’t do a great job investigating. Who is the band and the song?
Do you think you know the answer to this music question? Take a guess by clicking the link above! If you answer it correctly, your name will be featured in next week’s Rockucation section.