Last Week’s Rockucation Question:
The song by the Rolling Stones was said to be about David Bowie’s first wife. Keth RIchards says it’s written for his daughter, but in his book he says for no one in particular. Mick Jagger states it is written about Marianne Faithful. What is the song?
Dave Burger, Salem, OR, Nina McCarthy, Westerly, RI and Phyllis Bourque, Pawtucket, RI.
This week’s Rockucation question is:
These types of dances, Wall Of Death, Crowd Killing, Skank and Head Banging, just to name a few all take place in what?
Click Here To Answer This Week’s Question
Do you think you know the answer to this music question? Take a guess by clicking the link above! If you answer it correctly, your name will be featured in next week’s Rockucation section. Please when responding give us your first and last name, and where you are from as an example John Doe, Atlanta, Georgia.
