Last Week’s Rockucation Question:
Welcome to My Nightmare by Alice Cooper, Deep Purple’s Now What, Big Boat by Phosh, Kiss’s Revenge, Peter Gabriel’s Peter Gabriel I and Pink Floyd’s The Wall all have this in common. What is it?
Produced by Bob Ezrin
Charles Schwarze, Denton, TX and Nina McCarthy, Westerly, RI.
This week’s Rockucation question is:
Ray Davies, Ringo Star, Rod Stewart, Mick Jagger, Paul McCartney and Van Morrison, to name a few, all share this. Wha is it?
Do you think you know the answer to this music question? Take a guess by clicking the link above! If you answer it correctly, your name will be featured in next week’s Rockucation section. Please when responding give us your first and last name, and where you are from as an example John Doe, Atlanta, Georgia.
