Last Week’s Rockucation Question:
This Band’s album was on the Billboard charts for over 14 years. It was recorded at Abbey Road Studios. It is said that the album synchronizes with a movie from 1939, based on a book written by L. Frank Baum. The band has said the movie didn’t have anything to do with the album. Name the band, the album and the movie?
The band- Pink Floyd, the movie- The Wizard Of Oz, and the album is Dark Side Of The Moon.
Andy Khatchatrian, Los Angeles, CA, David Englund, Warwick, RI, Robert Gomez, Sinton, TX, Robert McCarthy, Marlborough, MA, and Phyllis Bourque, Pawtucket, RI, Ron Lariviere, North Providence, RI.
This week’s Rockucation question is:
This band dyed their hair blonde for a Wrigley’s commercial, directed by Ridley Scott. The commercial never aired but the band kept the look. The band released only 5 studio albums, though they have many more compilations album. The first studio album was released in 1978 and their last one in 1983. Who was the band?
Think you know this music question? Take a guess by clicking the link above! If you answer it correctly, your name will be featured in next week’s Rockucation section.