Track Listing Band Members
1- Bleeding John Campos- Vocals
2- Rays Of The Sun Eric Horton- Guitar
3- Change Jef Poremba- Guitar
4- Pain Joel Maitoza- Drums
5- Trouble Steve (Dino) Andino- Bass
6- Never
7- Bittersweet Seduction Produced By: Joel Maitoza and Seventrain
8- How Does It Feel
9- Carry The Cross Official Site: http://www.reverbnation.com/seventrain
10- Let It Out Record Label: So Cal Records
Seventrain is a supergroup of sorts. When you look at the band, the members come from various national acts such as 24-7 Spyz, Cage and Tourniquet. The band has a raw blues sound. One that I find refreshing. I don’t like to compare bands to others as a norm, but since they are new and may be unfamiliar to you, they kind have a Audioslave feel about them. Now that I have the formalities aside, it’s time to get you excited about Seventrain.
They open with song called Bleeding. The first thing you notice out of the gate is how this and others on the album are very melodic, yet hard driving. It’s a great opener and gives you an idea where the band plans to take you. As you go through the record, you get to their first single Change. The song makes you take notice of the guitar and harmonies and that they mean business. The song wants you become aware of your political and natural surroundings. Don’t be asleep at the wheel. Make change! I couldn’t agree more. The next song is Broken, and it is my favorite on the album. It slows thing down, but shows you the range and the true talent of this band, from Jon Campos’s amazing vocals and the rest of the band just gelling together. It is a fantastic track and I would think if they ever released it as a single it would make them stand out on the airwaves. I have to admit I am addicted to this song.
Another great track is Trouble with the guitar and Campos’s voice over it, is just fantastic and then it kicks in with the dual guitars of Eric Horton and Jef Poremba, just knock you out. The rhythm section of Joel Maitoza on drums and Steve Andino on bass are a force to be reckoned with throughout the record, but I think they make a definite impression on Carry The Cross, it has a hard, dirty feel to it that I like a lot.
The album ends with Let It Out and for a ending of the album it genuinely surprises you. It starts off with an acoustic and you think they are going to end with a ballad, then it gets electric and a driving beat with the acoustic underneath it with my favorite solo on the album, but as you think it that’s it goes into a dual guitar solo and that is fantastic. It is the appropriate way to end the album. As always I leave you to discover some of the tracks on your own and I soon expect you will be telling what your favorite is. It’s a solid debut, part of the magic is that it was record on analog tape and has a live feel to it. I hope to see them on the road soon. But, don’t just take my word for it (but you should), the album is worth you checking out. After all we are looking for a Change right?