Allman Betts Band– Bless Your Heart
Barclay James Harvest– Barclay James Harvest And Other SHort Stories
Dokken– The Lost Songs: 1978-1981
Empty Hearts– Second Album
Grateful Dead– Anthem Of TheThe Sun (1971 Remix), Aoxomonoxa, Grateful Dead, (Re-releases)
Huw Lloyd-Langton– Anthology
In Flames– Clayman 20th Century Anniversary Edition
John Petrucci– Terminal Velocity
Lynch Mob– Wicked Sensation
Metallica– S&M2
My Morning Jacket– The Waterfall II
Pig Destroyer– The Octagonal Stairway
Powerman 5000– The Noble Rot
Pvris– Use Me
Randy California And Spirit– The Euro-American Years
Redemption– Alive In Color
Seether– Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
The Devil’s Trade– The Call Of The Iron Peak
Venom– Sons Of Satan
Walter Trout– Ordinary Madness Deluxe
Wizzard– Introducing Eddy And The Falcons; Main Street (Expanded/Remastered Editions)
Record Store Day is August 29th. There are too many to list so you can check them out in the site here.
#Powerman5000 #BarclayJamesHarvest #TheDevilsTrade #AllmanBettsBand #recordstoreday #InFlames #WalterTrout #PigDestroyer #Pvris #GratefulDeadHuwLloydLangton #JohnPetrucci #RandyCaliforniaAndSpirit #EmptyHearts #LynchMob #Seether #Dokken #MyMorningJacket #NewCDReleases #Venom #Metallica #Redemption #Wizzard