Max Roxton

The Voice Within
Max Roxton, the frontman of 7 Mazes has made a solo record titled “The Voice Within”. You can check it out on his website here. Roxton truly defines what a solo project is. Why do I say that, well it’s because every aspect of this record is all done by him. Production, every instrument, arrangements and of course his vocals. Once you listen to this album, you will be amazed. Let’s dive into the record.
First up is I’m Back, it’s an uptempo rocker. You get a nice rhythm and beat that leads to a scream that basically lets you know you’re in for a wild ride. It’s a good opener for the album. Center Of The Universe is the next track. I admit this is quite different from the opener and pulls you in from the beginning. This song shows the diversity that Roxton has not just in style but vocals. The guitar riff is one of my favorites on the record. In my opinion it should be a single.
I’ll let you dive into the next three tracks, Decay, Misty Places and Within Your Mind as per my usual. I’ll add Head Under Water from the second half as well. I will let you get several tracks free of my opinion and for your listening pleasure. Did I tell you that Roxton plays everything on this album, because he does. Keep that in mind as you give your ears a treat.
Masquerade closes out the first half of the CD. This is one of the top tracks and probably my favorite one. You get a rock and roll meets rap thing going on that is expertly done. I don’t think you can find any fault in this song. The drums really make this track stand out and combined with everything else, makes this a keeper and playlist must.
Satellite begins the second half of the record. I’m not sure how to describe this one. It has a lot of things going on it, some very unique things to say the least. I suggest you listen to it and maybe like me, it will grow on you. Riot returns Roxton to his rock roots and this one has a real retro but modern feel. The riff is very catchy. Vocally I like the way Roxton delivers this song. I think this will be a great one live and made for audience participation. This one is one of the harder and edgier tracks on the album. It is worthy of your attention.
The Voice Within is the title track. I won’t say this is a ballad, but a much softer approach to his style then we hear on this record. I am actually surprised he took the approach he did for a title track. Usually it’s an uptempo rocker. But admittedly this builds up and is done well. Again, you get to see that he is very versatile in what he does. I think his voice over the backing vocals with the guitar following along is masterful and mind-blowing experience.
We will move on to the final two tracks of Roxton’s solo project. Never Again should be played on the radio. This is a rocking track that needs to be heard. It has a lot of attitude and angst that makes a great rock song. It has great hooks and riffs. A hard driving beat that maintains your interest throughout the tune. I’m sure you will be into this as quickly as I was. This one also seems like it was written to be played live with an audience. I can see you fist pumping and nodding your head to this one and then jam on the guitar solo as you get caught up in it all. Trust me, you won’t be able to resist this one.
Now I Understand is the last track and is a reflective power ballad. It’s an interesting way to bring closure to this listening experience. But it works. It works because it encompasses everything about Roxton’s solo effort. The range of vocals, the way he plays all the instruments and packages each song to the flow of the CD as a whole. I’m sure after you take the journey through the record you will find some gems to add to your playlists. Check out his single I’m Back below.