I'm a bit torn on this one as I think in one way it keeps the band's music alive, on the other it seems disingenuous. As an example Kevin Cronin isn't the original singer of REO Speedwagon, yet he's been in the band for over 40 years. Quiet Riot has no one from the original lineup. Then the question becomes are they a tribute band or the real thing. Your thoughts?
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I am all over the place on this one. My first concert was KISS in 1985 and the opener was Queensryche. So by default (and not counting the classic country stuff my paretns took me too as a kid), Queensryche was my first live band on my own. I lost interest as the years wore on until Todd took over and in my opinion brought new life and energy back into the band. I was never a huge Van Halen fan until Sammy joined. Yes, I am one of those. But, I can't listen to Warrant since Jani Lane passed. It just is not the same and no one will ever fill those shoes and sing those songs like he did. I tried to listen to the newer singers but it just sounded like a cover band to me. Same with Boston. When Brad Delp died, a lot of their live energy went with him. The last time I saw them it too sounded like a cover band. As for non-lead singers, I have just accepted that as normal. I wouldn't be able to see anyone live anymore if I got hung up on that. That being said, I will not seek out the new Pantera shows. Sorry, but for me, Vinnie and Dime are sacred to that band and what Phil is selling right now is NOT Pantera. Hell, call it Pantera 2.0 or something, but simply Pantera? Nope. And I mean absolutely no disrespect to Charlie B. or Zakk, but I just can't do that one. Maybe it is the Texan in me, who knows? BUT if it were a band of no originals? I am not sure about that one. I guess it depends on how they sell it (the actual band or "music of" the actual band). That's a tough one. BTW, as I aged I grew to really like that some of that classic country stuff I heard as a kid. Who knew...